Last Friday we had a special surprise.It was Keith who was connected with the Rugby world cup champions the,KIWIS!!!!.He told as about the history of the world cup and about how the Kiwis successfully won the world cup!!!
Last week on Thursday Ms Squires took us out for a game in the hall. When we went went to the hall she said that it was a co-operative game so we had to work as team. When she choose the captain she choose Angela,Ala,Reina,Erene and Seni-mino we had a fun time I hope you play a cooperative game during the year bye.
This week our Duffy book hero was Jordan. Jordan got his certificate and book for being a super blogger and for writing loads of comments for other people about their blogs or podcasts. Great work Jordan.
Well the holidays have just flown by and I can't believe that tomorrow is already the start of a new and exciting year for a bunch of new Room 15 children. I can't wait to meet you all. We've got loads of exciting things to do so I hope you're all feeling as refreshed as I am after a relaxing holiday. I've read lots of amazing books over the break and I've got a few good ones to read to you that I think you'll really enjoy. I've have also just finished setting up all of your blogs so be thinking about some of the things you have got up to these holidays because all your readers and I are looking forward to hearing about some of your activities. Ka kite apopo. (Ms Squires)